Thank you for supporting the Youth Group Car Wash!
The next big event for Youth Group will be the Crop Walk on Sunday, October 13 in Washington. The walk will begin at St. James Church at 3 PM. Following the walk, all invited to help with the "Kids Against Hunger" event to prepare bags of food to feed the hungry. Many hands make the job go faster!
Here is information about ANOTHER Youth Event:
Ingathering Lock-In 2013
Once again, we will have a lock-in for youth held the night before the Ingathering. The purpose of the lock-in is a time of fun and fellowship for the Middle School (6th -8th grade) and Sr. High youth before we work hard at unloading, packing and re-loading Ingathering Kits to be sent to either the Iowa Nigeria Partnership (INP) or to UMCOR depot and then around the world to places in need. If you have not participated in this before, come check it out. This is a great event to introduce people and youth to the missions of the United Methodist Church.
Below is the cost, the schedule for the lock-in, a list of what to bring, and the location. If you have any questions, please contact Rev. David Bracht-Wagner either by phone 319-480-4461 or by e-mail
The youth lock-in will be on campus at Iowa Wesleyan College located at 601 N. Main St and at First United Methodist Church located at 309 N. Main St.
What to Bring:
Last name starts with A-L -- bring a drink to share
Last name is M-Z -- bring a snack to share
pajamas, bedding and a pillow, your toothbrush and other personal care products, clothes to wear on Saturday and most importantly bring a smile to wear and a heart to serve.
There will be showers available.
Cost: $10.00 per youth to help cover costs
6pm – 7pm - Registration @ Howe Activities Center/Ruble Arena (registration remains open, just other activities will be started) Icebreakers and Games
7 – 9 Movies / Games / snacks available
9-10 Pizza from Breadeaux
10:30 Worship
1:00 everyone in bed / lights out
6:00 WAKE UP, pack up, clean up
7:00 Breakfast @ FUMC Mt. Pleasant
8-8:30 At worksite
11 Worship